Both female and male African elephants have tusks, but only the Asian male has tusks. An elephant stands out in the animal kingdom due to its enormous size, tusks, trunk and pretty big ears. Elephant Mating Patterns. Elephants are the largest continental animal on planet Earth. Learn more. An elephant herd is considered one of the most closely-knit societies of any animal, and a female will only leave it if she dies or is captured by humans. 3. Elephant Facts. The African elephant (Loxodonta) is a genus comprising two living elephant species, the African bush elephant (L. africana) and the smaller African forest elephant (L. cyclotis).Both are social herbivores with grey skin, but differ in the size and color of their tusks and in the shape and size of their ears and skulls.. 26. In regions with abundant food, larger social groups are formed. A herd of elephants is often led by the oldest female member, and it will have many females and kids in it. Social Behavior Dominance Herd. Large congregations of elephants occur more frequently with African elephants than Asian. Dok Geaw is one year and nine months old. Once the elderly or sick elephant passes, they will stay on for a few more days – gathering semi-frequently around the corpse, and seeming to keen and … When a member of the herd is close to death, the whole herd will stop moving and stay resting in one small area for a time. This "babysitting" is a very important part of the young elephant's development … In this article, you'll learn 10 essential elephant facts, ranging from how these pachyderms use their trunks to how females gestate their young for almost two years. Jaws of the Hyena By Elephant Herd Tours & Safaris Africa360 2021-02-17T06:44:10+00:00 February 16th, 2021 | Crunch Time A Hyena can devour as much as a third of its body weight, which translates to roughly up to 18kgs. Elephant … Cows take bones from the skeleton and scatter them, hiding them under bushes in the surrounding area. Elephants are the world's largest land-living mammal. 1) There are three different species of elephant – the African Savannah elephant, the African Forest elephant and the Asian elephant.Elephants are known for their large ears, tusks made of ivory and their trunks – which are actually a fusion of their nose and upper lip. [7] Female elephants stay with the same herd their entire lives. Elephantidae is the only surviving family of the order Proboscidea; extinct members include the mastodons.The family Elephantidae also contains several now-extinct groups, including the mammoths and straight-tusked elephants. 11 Fun Elephant Facts. If a herd becomes too big, a group breaks off to form another herd but usually, the two herds will maintain a lose connection. Animal lovers and researchers have conducted studies on elephants and compiled the information below: Female-oriented society. Elephants run to greeting a new rescued baby elephant: watch a whole herd run to greet a new rescued baby elephant, “Dok Geaw”, at Elephant Nature Park. This incredible survival technique means that herds of elephants can keep migrating to find food and water to thrive. Elephant facts. Well, scientists have found that it has to do with where they live and a lot of other factors. Elephants Facts for Kids A baby elephant is called a calf A group of elephants is called a ‘herd’ Female elephants are referred to as ‘cows’ and males are called ‘bulls’. A 3-week-old elephant calf in a herd. Arterra/Universal Images Group via Getty Images You can watch a video that shows an elephant yawning here. If you fancy finding out more about these incredible animals, check out our top elephant facts . He is an orphaned child…but it looks like he will not have too much trouble finding a new family. When a herd encounters the skeleton of a dead elephant, they have shown an undeniable fascination with the bones. Includes printables about elephant babies and how to tell the difference between Asian and African elephants. Elephants are the largest existing land animals. An elephant in the wild will rarely have more than four children throughout her life. Interesting Elephant Facts: 26-30. Elephants are either left or right-tusked. Read more: The 'world's loneliest elephant' will finally find some friends after 35 years in a Pakistan zoo “Currently, there are approximately 13,000 Asian elephants in captivity. The elephant herd is led by the elder female and leader followed by the rest of the females and their young. Males beyond the age of maturity are with the herd only during mating. The cows will mull over the bones, fondling them in thoughtful contemplation. There are only two species living in various parts of the world which are Asian elephants and African elephants. Mailing Address. Elephant calves grow quickly, gaining 2 to 3 lbs. Average Life Span In The Wild: Up to 70 years. Seeing These Interesting Facts About Elephants in Action. The elephant is a plant-eating mammal which is known as the largest terrestrial animal in the world with a huge trunk and long ivory tusks, large ears. Three species are currently recognised: the African bush elephant, the African forest elephant, and the Asian elephant. Male elephants then either join a "bachelor" herd or they live alone. There are two types of elephants- African and Asian. [7] Check out our ten elephant-astic elephant facts!. After two days, they can keep up with the herd. Have you ever wondered why elephants have big ears? There are few things more wonderful than witnessing an elephant trumpeting to its herd or splashing around in the water.. Weight: 2.5 to seven tons. Discover fun facts about elephant babies. There are three distinct species of elephant left in the world: The Asian elephant and, in Africa, the forest and savannah elephant species. An elephant will have 1 calf (twins are very rare) and the mother and all of the other females in the herd, including aunts, grandmothers, and sisters, will raise the baby. 1. ... YOU CAN HELP SUPPORT OUR HERD BY ORDERING AN ELEPHANT CAKE. Contact For Elephants to learn more about African elephants and how we are working with zoos across the United States to provide the best conservation strategies. At birth, an elephant calf weighs 170 to about 250 pounds, with an average height of about 36 inches at the shoulder. Few animals on earth have been mourned, mythologized, and just plain marveled at like the elephants of Africa and Asia. In regions with less food, smaller elephant family units are found. Males will leave the herd as they become adolescent, around the age of 12, and live in temporary ‘bachelor herds’ … Elephant facts Elephants can recognize themselves in a mirror, and also passed a body awareness test. Watching a calf get the hang of using its uncontrollable trunk will undoubtedly bring a smile to your face. Elephant facts and information. Three species are currently recognised: the African bush elephant, the African forest elephant, and the Asian elephant. All of the females in the herd are directly related to the matriarch, who is typically the oldest and largest female. The one tusk they use more is generally smaller in size due to wear and tear. Here are 10 facts everyone should know about elephants. Estimated Population Size 300,000 Biggest Threat Poaching and habitat loss Most Distinctive Feature Large, rounded ears Other Name(s) African Elephant SMALL CAKES ARE $30 AND LARGE FAMILY SIZE CAKES ARE $50. Males only remain with the herd until they are 12 to 15 years old. It is usually led by a female elephant. Male elephant species will leave the herd when they reach 12 years and they will form a new hed known as “bachelor” herds before they live a solitary life. Herd; Fun Fact Can drink up to 50 gallons a day! Since the matriarch elephant is the leader, this elephant gets the least sleep because they are leading the herds. Female elephants stay with the herd for life, while males leave to begin a solitary life at about 12 to 14 years of age. Did you know that a male elephant is called a bull, and that a male African elephant is the world's largest land mammal, measuring up to three meters high and weighing up to six tonnes. Would you like to learn more fun facts about elephants? Birth. Amazingly, elephant calves are able to stand within 20 minutes of being born and can walk within 1 hour. Prey Grass, Fruit, Roots Name Of Young Calf Group Behavior. Male African elephants may be heavier, and can weigh up to about 360 pounds. The Elephant Sanctuary in Tennessee provides captive elephants a safe haven dedicated to their well-being. The African elephants are bigger and taller than Asians. Elephant facts for kids. Providing herd, home, rest, refuge, and individualized care for life, and raising public awareness of the complex needs and challenges of elephants. Herd aggregations have also been documented in areas of intense poaching (illegal hunting) pressure.