Students will attend a live Zoom play as part of their work for the course and learn the art of reading – and writing – a performance review. Introduction to the tradition and practice of speculative writing. English 4592: Special Topics in Women in Literature and Culture — The Marriage Plot, Then and Now  Instructors: Jennifer Higginbotham You will also share your own writing with the class and get the chance to see your work from the perspective of a committed, generous, detail-oriented readership. Has queer life gotten better or worse? English/CSTW 3467s is an interdisciplinary course on the issues, methods and history of tutoring writing. Instructor: Antony Shuttleworth English 3662: An Introduction to Literary Publishing  English 4592: Special Topics in Women in Literature and Culture — Gender and Empire Ishiguro, Never Let Me Go;  Pynchon, The Crying of Lot 49;  Z. Smith, White Teeth; Egan, A Visit from the Goon Squad; DeLillo, White Noise; Eggers, The Circle; Calvino, If on a Winter's Night a Traveler; Lightman, Einstein's Dreams; Benedict, The Other Einstein. Magicians. An introduction to the fundamentals of technique, craft and composition; practice in the writing of creative nonfiction; and analysis and discussion of student work as well as published essays by masters of the many forms of creative nonfiction. Instructor: Christiane Buuck An introduction to humanities-based methods of analyzing and interpreting video games in terms of form, genre, style and theory. English 4513: Introduction to Medieval Literature Literary works will include excerpts from the Bible and Gilgamesh, Faulkner’s As I Lay Dying, George Saunders’ Lincoln in the Bardo, Alejandro Amenábar’s The Others, David Lowery’s A Ghost Story, stories by M.R. — and their various interrelations. Through this, you will expand your range of writing skills—pushing yourself to be curious, fearless and voracious—as a way of getting closer to understanding both who you already are as a writer, and who you might want to become.Â. Instructor: Jessica Prinz  Throughout the nineteenth century - as in the present - activists used the written and spoken word to rally for a number of causes: women's rights, racial equality, environmentalism, child welfare, animal rights and prison reform. They are Jane Austen fanatics. Authors who are underrepresented in traditional literary history because of their race, gender or sexual orientation are at the center of our inquiry, instead of coming last, as if they were an afterthought of literary history.  This course is organized around the question, What does it mean to “see” disability? GE: Writing and Communication—Level 1, English 1110.03: First-Year English Composition English 2267: Introduction to Creative Writing What cultural resources do we have to begin imagining other ways of relating to humans and to nonhuman nature? In a powerful narrative moment, the Monster that inhabits the pages of Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein calls out to his creator (and to us as readers): “Who was I? How have Tolkien`s ideas about race affected subsequent fantasy literature and games? Discussion and practice of the conventions, practices and expectations of scholarly reading of literature and expository writing on issues relating to diversity within the U.S. experience. GE: Diversity (Global Studies), ENGLISH-2201H: Selected Works of British Literature—Medieval Through 1800| Textbooks: an HBO subscription; readings posted on Carmen. The syllabus is not limited to any particular genre or theme but will visit major works of many different kinds, including early Christian epic (Prudentius's Psychomachia) and philosophy (Boethius's Consolation of Philosophy), mythography (Snorri's prose Edda), heroic sagas (tales of the Irish warrior CuChulainn and the Germanic champion Sigurd/Siegfried) and Arthurian legends (the romances of Chretien de Troyes), as well as works illustrating the emergence of allegory and (auto)biography as important modes of expression. English 4564.04: Major Author in 20th- Century British Literature — Virginia Woolf and the Bloomsbury Group Some writing and exams (and especially participation) will be required. English 3465 (30): Special Topics in Intermediate Fiction WritingÂ, For students who have experience with the basic elements of writing fiction. Janeites: They have outfits. Instructors: Roxann Wheeler  How have Black literary texts linked race, gender and class in the past? Please see the main disabilities studies page for more information. We will concentrate on methods of reading literary texts for the purpose of writing about how they convene readers to appreciate their form as literature. English 4520.01: Shakespeare English 3304: Business and Professional Writing A Chymicall treatise of the Ancient and highly illuminated Philosopher Arnoldus de Nova, The Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage – all 3 PDF books. Repeatable to a maximum of 6 cr hrs. Instructors: Staff Tentative course requirements: regular and enthusiastic class participation, four brief analytical responses (1-2 pp. Stories show us something about the complexity of human existence by concentrating on characters and their conflicting wants, needs, fears, hopes, etc. This service-learning course focuses on collecting and preserving literacy narratives of Columbus-area Black communities. English 4578 (30):  Special Topics in Film—Alfred Hitchcock and Christopher Nolan Readings will emphasize a wide variety of voices in particular people of color, voices from the LGBTQ community, women and those who come from an intersection of marginalized identities.Â, English 2269: Digital Media Composing  In many cases, we will examine Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby through different lenses in order to get a feel for how these approaches illuminate the richness of a single text. How do I find and use university resources such as the Writing Center and the library? Instructor: Robyn Warhol *, English 5723.01/02: Graduate Studies in Renaissance Literature and Culture Popular versions of Paradise Lost shaped the liturgies of early Mormonism, and marathon readings of the poem have become a ritual at colleges and universities across the United States.Â, Potential texts: Paradise Lost in any standard edition, as well as some shorter works by Milton and others, and a selection of critical essays available on CarmenÂ, Potential assignments: A close reading, a seminar presentation and a substantial critical essayÂ. Instructor: Robyn Warhol  GE: Cultures and Ideas. Section 20, 40 and 60 Instructor: Staff As an introduction to the interrelated fields of Writing, Rhetoric and Literacy, this course familiarizes students with key concepts and research and scholarly methods that underlie work in these interrelated fields, including rhetorical analysis, qualitative studies, and historical and archival research. Experience Exiled in Europe, he helped introduce vampires to the English-speaking world, and his famous ghost story challenge led Mary Shelley to write Frankenstein. English 4580: Special Topics in LGBTQ Literatures and Cultures — Baldwin, Lorde and LGBT Liberation In so doing, we will focus both upon the words themselves and the physical objects through which they have come down to us, drawing extensively on the holdings of our Rare Books and Manuscripts Library. Now, however, as different sciences, religions and ways of life collide in our increasingly globalized world, we find ourselves confronted by complicated and perplexing questions about how we define and value different forms of life. Beginning with tales of witches and violence that so captivated their seventeenth-century audiences, to Victorian serial murderers like Jack the Ripper, to modern celebrity crimes and criminals, we will ask why writers and readers so often turn to blood, violence and malfeasance as the stuff of art, entertainment and cultural criticism.Â, English 3372 (10): Science Fiction and/or Fantasy—Children's Fantasy Novels  We will learn how to take films and put them back together so as to better understand the choices made—in terms of lighting, music, sound, composition, acting, cinematography, editing and more—and their effects these choices have on our experience and understanding of the final film. Students will examine how the texts included in the Bible came to be as historical artefacts, and will analyze the wild and wonderful stories it contains as fundamental to western literary and cultural heritage. Students learn basic characteristics of English linguistics focusing on the basic building blocks of language; the sounds of English and how they are put together, word formation processes and rules for combining words into utterances/sentences. Instructor: TBA So you'll create your own original piece of writing that sounds just like your favorite author--while also sounding just like you. Section 10 and 20 Instructor: Clarissa Surek-Clark English 3364 (10): Special Topics in Popular Culture — Vampires  Two years of travel in the Mediterranean exposed Byron to the shifting dynamics of British imperial culture - but also gave him the freedom to explore his emergent sexuality. GE: Writing and Communication—Level 1, English 1110.02 (60): First-Year English Composition Why do we pay money to go see something that we know is clearly not real? We'll explore questions such as, what distinguishes science fiction from other types of fiction, including fantasy? Some of our authors (tentative): William Blake, Mary Kingsley, Mary Wollstonecraft, John Keats, Christina Rossetti, Charlotte Bronte, Olive Schreiner, Oscar Wilde, Wilfred Owen, Virginia Woolf, Una Marson, Ngugi wa Thiong'o and Kazuo Ishiguro. Instructor: Clarissa Surek-Clark  Topic varies. English 3305: Technical Writing But, at the same time, we will also be deeply invested in attempting to realize what they make us feel, and enable us to know. GE: Cultures and Ideas; Diversity (Social Diversity in the U.S.) I think that’s a loss. Instructor: Yanar Hashlamon How have modern perceptions of "medieval" culture shaped both academic study and popular representations of the Middle Ages?Â, Assignments: Discussion-leading and discussion response (both in-person and online); occasional quizzes; and short response papers, plus two longer essaysÂ, English 4590.05H: Honors Seminar—The Later 19th Century: Freedom and Literature in the 19th CenturyÂ, Is freedom possible in modern societies, even though such societies depend upon individuals performing routinized work, acting in politically predictable ways, and placing primary emphasis on money-making? GE: Writing and Communication—Level 1, English 1110.01: First-Year English Composition — Disaster Narratives We will consider the cultural objects of the Anthropocene from the seventeenth century to the present, asking how art itself ‘thinks theoretically,’ and what genres and forms of human making might work to conceptualize the end of human existence. Therefore, part of this class will be dedicated to developing and practicing collaborative writing skills and strategies. This pilot course will investigate books (and similar artifacts, such as periodicals) as physical objects and explore how they have functioned in the modern world--say, between 1830 and today.  The course will be completely embedded in Ohio State's Rare Books and Manuscripts Library and will culminate in a public exhibition of artifacts from our collections selected and curated by you.  Among the issues we'll consider are how books are made, how publication format shapes the ways in which books are read, the uses to which books can be put other than reading, and how books fare when other media (radio, film, the internet) emerge as potential rivals. Likely authors include Frances E.W. GE: Literature Instructor: Koritha Mitchell Instructor: Staff  In this course, students will explore how digital culture enables physical objects to argue, both in the production of new genres of written text and in their interactions with people and the environment. All of these transformations point us to the tension inherent in all fantasy and especially visible in formula fiction: does it help us to accept reality, to reflect on reality and change it or to escape reality altogether?  All students are required to watch the entire series before our class begins.  Our class sessions will focus on the first two seasons, but it will also presume knowledge of the entire series.  (We will not read or discuss the books by George R.R. This course trains students to be effective tutors in the Ohio State Writing Center or within the Writing Associates Program, which includes learning and applying strategies for working with writers of all levels and writing at all stages of completion and comprehension. Why for the last 400 years or so has Hamlet—the play and the character—proven so central to the western cultural imagination?  Why is the figure of the prince addressing a human skull so iconic, and the words, ‘to be or not to be,’ so instantly recognizable? Our reading list is diverse and challenging, and I ask and expect you to read with an open mind. What does it mean to imagine the future? We will read for technique while asking how these narratives use travel to address issues of identity and nationality, foreignness, home, culture, history and language. A composition course in which students analyze and compose digital media texts while studying complex forms and practices of textual production. Literature often celebrates the space between worlds, whether an immigrant coming to a new land, a soldier navigating no-man's land, a woman negotiating the barriers of gender and class.  We will read W. G. Sebald's The Emigrants, Virginia Woolf's Orlando, William Faulkner's As I Lay Dying, Manuel Puig's The Kiss of the Spiderwoman, Ian McEwan's Nutshell, and T. S. Eliot's Four Quartets, and see if they have anything in common. Novels and short stories will be from diverse global contexts, and students will be encouraged as part of our course discussions and assignments to address texts according to their interests. Most canonical works have always had the theme of diversity. We will see some of the following: ethnic diversity (African-American, Native American, Asian American and Jewish); literature about disabilities (injured veterans; blindness, autism, depression; alcoholism); the insane and the temporarily insane; and the victims of racism, prejudice and violence. What defines "honorable" work and a "good living," especially amid conditions of slave labor, child labor, women's work, and industrialization? This general elective course helps English majors and students from other Humanities disciplines to explore and prepare for careers after graduation. What new objects of cultural horror do modern Gothic stories unearth? This course offers a foundation for those seeking to develop the skills and practices to succeed in the English major. Instructor: Christiane Buuck and Staff We will be establishing a foundation in three genres: creative nonfiction, poetry and fiction. Instructor: Jenny Patton GE: Writing and Communication—Level 1, English 1110.03: First-Year English Composition — Meanings Behind Movie Posters Guiding question(s): 1) How do we make sense of stories? Just so rude, like children who’ve never been taught an ounce of manners. What sort of story gets its author admitted to a top MFA program, or published in the New Yorker, or even nominated for a Booker or Nobel? This class can be used to fulfill the digital media requirement in the writing, rhetoric and literacy concentration for the English major.Â. A study of poetry and prose written since approximately 1960. Instructor: Staff Practice in the fundamentals of expository writing, as illustrated in the student's own writing and in the essays of professional writers. Instructor: Emmalee Hagarman And what happens when we desire to be them?  Students will do agenda settings, two analytic papers, and will try their hands at graphic storytelling. Potential Assignments: Daily reading quizzes, two shorter papers, a midterm exam, and a final exam. Instructor: Pranav Jani  English 3331 (10): Thinking Theoretically ENGLISH-3304: Business and Professional Writing This class surveys literary and cultural production during the reign of Henry VIII, paying special attention to representations of the king himself.  Henry VIII is possibly England's most notorious and recognizable ruler, enshrined in popular lore for marrying six times and beheading two of his wives.  But the significance of Henry and his reign reaches far beyond marital politics.  When Henry ascended the throne, England was a faithful Catholic country loyal to Rome and the pope; when Henry died, England had undergone a religious and cultural revolution, emerging as an independent nation-state with its own religion and imperial ambitions. Princesses. This Literary Locations program offers students the opportunity to study the history and representation of Venice in English and European literature from the sixteenth to the twentieth century, and to spend almost two weeks (May 1-13, 2020) exploring the historical and cultural sites of Venice and Padua. The special topic of this course is “The Outsider in the Court Room,” so we will read some actual cases and also a variety of fictional representations of law in action, and consider how the rights of outsiders are protected, or sometimes forgotten, by the law. Each student will workshop one poem, one short essay, and one short story over the course of the term. GE: VPA. In this upper-level course in Shakespeare, we'll explore why Shakespeare remains a central figure in our culture. English 3465 (20): Special Topics in Intermediate Fiction Writing Instructor: Staff A composition course in which students analyze and compose digital media texts while studying complex forms and practices of textual production. *Traditional and online sections available Instructor: Kirsten Edwards We will watch several film documentaries, examining the rhetorial strategies employed by the filmmakers. By the end of this course, students will: identify and understand common empirical research methods used by scholars in such fields as writing, rhetoric, literacy studies, composition studies and technical communications; learn techniques of these various methods and apply them to a series of activities throughout the semester; and gain practice in writing common research genres (conference abstracts, peer reviews, research proposals) to writing, rhetoric and literacy studies. All students will have regular opportunities for hands-on experience with different game types and genres in both the computer-based classroom and the Department of English Video Game Lab. Fri. classes will be conducted online in the form of a short (250-500 word) written exercise applying what we have learned that week. Textbooks: an HBO subscription; readings posted on Carmen. You will learn how to write effective research-based arguments in these subfields of English studies by practicing methods of data collection and analysis, developing research questions, working with genres of research writing and revising your writing for clarity and purpose. Ultimately, the course will turn to a few related texts: Hannah Crafts’ The Bondwoman’s Narrative, a nineteenth-century American slave narrative that draws on Bleak House; and three recent films, It Follows (2014), Mudbound (2017), and Get Out (2017), all of which contain some form of the Gothic, and the last of which is also a satire. We will also study approaches that reading audiences bring to their making worldly sense of the texts. When we try to do so, are we really just imagining versions of the present? English 4564.02: Major Author in 18th- and 19th- Century British Literature — Lord Byron and His Circle Un libro è un insieme di fogli, stampati oppure manoscritti, delle stesse dimensioni, rilegati insieme in un certo ordine e racchiusi da una copertina.. Il libro è il veicolo più diffuso del sapere. Robert S. Levine et al, editors, the alien and world-building writing... Today differ from each other in this course, we will read a sampling of Shakespeare 's was. Course on lies, secrets, and silence: selected prose pdf students to work with English language Learners be available author represent that outlook in prose ) equiv. Writing of poetry, from Plato and Aristotle to Mary Wollstonecraft and William.!, meditation, etc. ) rest of the class to browse books, stories shape! 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