Since the Law had to be given to the people, not only those, of whom Christ was born, received the Law, but the whole people, who were marked with the seal of circumcision, which was the sign of the promise made to Abraham, and in which he believed, according to Romans 4:11: hence even before David, the Law had to be given to that people as soon as they were collected together. Moreover the same expression is often repeated in Exodus, and the later books of the Law. Objection 1. 31:26 Take this book of the law, and put it in the side of the ark … "given in orderly fashion," as the gloss explains. Therefore the Law was given by God immediately. In living a perfect life, Jesus fulfilled the moral laws; in His sacrificial death, Jesus fulfilled the ceremonial laws. Thus, there is no contradiction. an angel and a cloud. Further, I Kings 8:9, 21 states that the covenant is the ten commandments. . Now whatever laws are enacted for the special sanctification of certain ones, are binding on them alone: thus clerics who are set aside for the service of God are bound to certain obligations to which the laity are not bound; likewise religious are bound by their profession to certain works of perfection, to which people living in the world are not bound. Hier. Further, the Old Law was given for the sanctification of those from whom Christ was to be born. But the Old Law was an occasion of sin, as stated above (Article 1, Reply to Objection 2). In like manner, from this point of view, the state of clerics is better than that of the laity, and the state of religious than that of folk living in the world. Again it must be observed that the end of human law is different from the end of Divine law. As for other “lost” books or books that are referred to by inspired writings, it is important to understand that inspired writers often referred to secular writings in order to further verify their point. As Augustine says (Gen. ad lit. For it is written (Deuteronomy 32:4): "The works of God are perfect." On the contrary, The Apostle says (Romans 7:12): "Wherefore the law indeed is holy, and the commandment holy, and just, and good." hath spoken to us by His Son," whereas in the Old Testament "the word was spoken by angels" (Hebrews 2:2). . Moreover the same law forbade all kinds of sin; and these too are contrary to reason. And shortly before (verse 4) He had said: "Honor thy father and mother," which is contained expressly in the Old Law (Exodus 20:12; Deuteronomy 5:16). I answer that, It was most fitting for the Law to be given at the time of Moses. There is absolutely no evidence that this is the case. But the Old Law was an occasion of sin, as stated above (Article 1, Reply to Objection 2). Further, as Christ was born of those alone who descended from Noah through Abraham, to whom the promise was made; so was He born of no other of the descendants of Abraham but David, to whom the promise was renewed, according to 2 Samuel 23:1: "The man to whom it was appointed concerning the Christ of the God of Jacob . And if again it asked why He chose this people, and not another, that Christ might be born thereof; a fitting answer is given by Augustine (Tract. ", It is therefore evident that it was merely from gratuitous election that the patriarchs received the promise, and that the people sprung from them received the law; according to Deuteronomy 4:36-37: "Ye did [Vulgate: 'Thou didst'] hear His words out of the midst of the fire, because He loved thy fathers, and chose their seed after them." But the Old Law was set aside when there came the perfection of grace; not as though it were evil, but as being weak and useless for this time; because, as the Apostle goes on to say, "the law brought nothing to perfection": hence he says (Galatians 3:25): "After the faith is come, we are no longer under a pedagogue.". The Law was done away legally when Christ died on the cross (Colossians 2:14), but the practice of the system did not end until Jerusalem was destroyed. Therefore none could be saved without observing the Law. I answer that, The Law was given by God through the angels. Hours worked includes opening and closing a business, required trainings, and meetings. . these words," and further on: "I am the Lord Thy God." Now the promise concerning the "seed, which is Christ" (Galatians 3:16) was first made to Abraham, as related in Genesis 12:7. It was not fitting for the Old Law to be given at once after the sin of the first man: both because man was so confident in his own reason, that he did not acknowledge his need of the Old Law; because as yet the dictate of the natural law was not darkened by habitual sinning. He was proud of his knowledge, as though his natural reason could suffice him for salvation: and accordingly, in order that his pride might be overcome in this matter, man was left to the guidance of his reason without the help of a written law: and man was able to learn from experience that his reason was deficient, since about the time of Abraham man had fallen headlong into idolatry and the most shameful vices. It appears most of the requirements of the new law have been met except 1. The reason of this is because the Old Law, as stated above (Article 4), was given to the Jewish people, that it might receive a prerogative of holiness, in reverence for Christ Who was to be born of that people. Because whoever is subject to the king, must needs be subject to his law. And Peter states in I Peter 1:6-7 that these trials will refine us so that we are like pure gold on the day in which Jesus is revealed. In theology, there is much discussion of the threefold use of the law. Hence it is written (Isaiah 41:2): "Who hath raised up the just one form the east, hath called him to follow him?" But if he orders certain things to be observed by the servants of his household, others are not bound thereto. Exodus 34:27-2. Objection 4. For man was proud of two things, viz. In the same sense when it is said that "the law entered in that sin might abound," the conjunction "that" must be taken as consecutive and not final: in so far as men, taking occasion from the law, sinned all the more, both because a sin became more grievous after law had forbidden it, and because concupiscence increased, since we desire a thing the more from its being forbidden. Accordingly, as to those precepts of the natural law contained in the Old Law, all were bound to observe the Old Law; not because they belonged to the Old Law, but because they belonged to the natural law. Reply to Objection 1. Exodus 20:11 tells us why God chose the seventh day as opposed to one of the other days of the week. Article 4. viii): "All whom God teaches, he teaches out of pity; but whom He teaches not, out of justice He teaches not": for this is due to the condemnation of the human race for the sin of the first parent. God’s people today are not under the Old Testament. . It would seem that the Old Law was not from God. Further, the law was given through the angels, as stated above (Article 3). A new. Acts 18:4 tells of Paul teaching the Jews in the synagogue every Sabbath. Unger’s Bible Dictionary gives the following reasons for excluding these writings: 1. Therefore the way of salvation should not have been opened to one people more than to another. But the Old Law was given by God, Who is "King of all the earth" (Psalm 46:8). But the Old Law could not confer this grace, for this was reserved to Christ; because, as it is written (John 1:17), the law was given "by Moses, grace and truth came by Jesus Christ." But the Old Law does not continue for ever: since the Apostle says (Hebrews 7:18): "There is indeed a setting aside of the former commandment, because of the weakness and unprofitableness thereof." I answer that, Without any doubt, the Old Law was good. The Apostle argues in the same way (Romans 7): "I am delighted," says he (verse 22), "with the law of God, according to the inward man": and again (verse 16): "I consent to the law, that is good. For the devil would not make a law whereby men would be led to Christ, Who was to cast him out, according to Matthew 12:26: "If Satan cast out Satan, his kingdom is divided" [Vulgate: 'he is divided against himself']. A. H. Bullen, 1885), and Catherine Shaw's 1982 edition for the Garland English Text series (which offers a fine series of introductory comments). Under the Mosaical system, one came into the covenant when circumcised at eight days old. Powered by Congregate, Old Wire Road church of Christ Hebrews 10:9 states that Christ in doing God’s will took away the first covenant in order to establish the second. whose are the fathers, and of whom is Christ according to the flesh." The Old Testament Law is found in Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. Gerizim after the Israelites entered the land of Canaan. When God commanded Israel to destroy all in the land of Canaan, He was pronouncing the death penalty on a nation that had practiced things worthy of death under God’s law. . Again he says (Romans 5:20): "Law entered in that sin might abound." I answer that, It might be assigned as a reason for the Law being given to the Jews rather than to other peoples, that the Jewish people alone remained faithful to the worship of one God, while the others turned away to idolatry; wherefore the latter were unworthy to receive the Law, lest a holy thing should be given to dogs. Wherefore, after those times, it was necessary for a written law to be given as a remedy for human ignorance: because "by the Law is the knowledge of sin" (Romans 3:20). F. Raphael Moss, O.P., S.T.L. Although the salvation, which was to come through Christ, was prepared for all nations, yet it was necessary that Christ should be born of one people, which, for this reason, was privileged above other peoples; according to Romans 9:4: "To whom," namely the Jews, "belongeth the adoption as of children (of God) . Further, the Jews could not be saved without observing the Old Law: for it is written (Deuteronomy 27:26): "Cursed be he that abideth not in the words of this law, and fulfilleth them not in work." What this promise was is shown by the Apostle, who says (Galatians 3:16) that "to Abraham were the promises made and to his seed. It is for the sovereign alone to make a law by his own authority; but sometimes after making a law, he promulgates it through others. ", I answer that, Without any doubt, the Old Law was good. Further, as Christ was born of those alone who descended from Noah through Abraham, to whom the promise was made; so was He born of no other of the descendants of Abraham but David, to whom the promise was renewed, according to 2 Samuel 23:1: "The man to whom it was appointed concerning the Christ of the God of Jacob . . an angel and a cloud. Consequently that which suffices for the perfection of human law, viz. This includes the Ten Commandments. Sometimes this verse is misunderstood to mean that one day everyone will be converted in some millennial kingdom. Further, it belongs to the sovereign alone to make a law, as stated above (I-II:90:3). Reply to Objection 4. Canonicus Surmont, Vicarius Generalis. Join our virtual Community Police Academy for an inside look at the Redmond Police Department that he wills and runs in the commandments of God, "but of God that showeth mercy." and in the prophets, and in the psalms, concerning Me": and (John 5:46): "If you did believe Moses, you would perhaps believe Me also; for he wrote of Me." In like manner this people was bound to certain special observances, to which other peoples were not bound. Therefore the Old Law was not from God. Israel, was God’s authorized instrument to carry out the death penalty. It was not fitting for the Old Law to be given at once after the sin of the first man: both because man was so confident in his own reason, that he did not acknowledge his need of the Old Law; because as yet the dictate of the natural law was not darkened by habitual sinning. Reply to Objection 1. But it would have been useless to admit strangers to the legal observances according to Divine ordinance, if they could have been saved without the observance of the Law. There is absolutely no evidence that this is the case. We are under the New. And since the Law made no provision for the permanent forgiveness of sin (Hebrews 10:1), another covenant had to be brought, sanctified by the blood of Christ, that could provide for our salvation. But man needed this salutary remedy immediately after he had sinned. Since God is the Lawgiver, and His Word is His Law, then it follows that every Word which proceeds from His mouth is His Law. The Apostle argues in the same way (Romans 7): "I am delighted," says he (verse 22), "with the law of God, according to the inward man": and again (verse 16): "I consent to the law, that is good." In fact, Paul in Romans 14 stated that it was perfectly acceptable for a Christian to esteem every day alike and not esteem one day above another. Hebrews was written prior to the destruction of Jerusalem when the temple was destroyed and the entire Jewish system came to an abrupt and permanent end. The yoke of the law could not be borne without the help of grace, which the law did not confer: for it is written (Romans 9:16): "It is not him that willeth, nor of him that runneth," viz. Consequently the Old Law was good indeed, but imperfect, according to Hebrews 7:19: "The law brought nothing to perfection. We are to love God and love our neighbors. Questions About The Old Law 1. 4. Jesus justified the disciples picking grain on the Sabbath as well as David eating the showbread when he was fleeing from Saul on the basis of the principle that the Sabbath was made for man, and not man for the Sabbath. . Know the Law. Objection 2. Hence, as the Apostle concludes (Romans 8:3-4), "what the Law could not do in that it was weak through the flesh, God sent [Vulgate: 'sending'] His own Son . John 6:44-45 states that those who come to Christ must be taught of God and must learn from the Father. But such the Old Law was not: since Peter said (Acts 15:10): "Why tempt you (God) to put a yoke on the necks of the disciples, which neither our fathers nor we have been able to bear?" These children would not understand why their parents were taken from them and would grow up to hate Israel and God. Worship with us in Fayetteville, AR, Sundays at 9:00am (Worship Service and Bible Classes); Wednesdays at 7:00pm. For the Old Law ordained men to Christ in two ways. However, there is no evidence that Paul kept the Sabbath after he became a Christian. ", Reply to Objection 2. On the other hand, the end of the Divine law is to bring man to that end which is everlasting happiness; which end is hindered by any sin, not only of external, but also of internal action. Nothing prevents a thing being not perfect simply, and yet perfect in respect of time: thus a boy is said to be perfect, not simply, but with regard to the condition of time. For it has been stated (Articles 1 and 2) that the Old Law was imperfect, and yet disposed man to that perfect salvation of the human race, which was to come through Christ. Luke 2:22-24 uses the phrase “law of the Lord” to refer to the “ceremonial laws” of offering sacrifices following the birth of a child. But God always vouchsafed the ministrations of the angels not to the Jews alone, but to all nations: for it is written (Sirach 17:14): "Over every nation He set a ruler." Therefore the Law should have been given immediately after sin. Therefore the Law should have been given immediately after sin. Reply to Objection 3. Under Christ, in order to enter the covenant a person must know the Lord. Respect of persons takes place in those things which are given according to due; but it has no place in those things which are bestowed gratuitously. But the Old Law was not salutary; rather was it deadly and hurtful. It is for the sovereign alone to make a law by his own authority; but sometimes after making a law, he promulgates it through others. Among the latter are the ministries of the angels, which the very order of various natures demands, viz. Law in the Old Testament practically means the Law promulgated by Moses (having its roots no doubt in this earlier law or custom), with sundry later modifications or additions, rules as to which have been inserted in the record of the Mosaic law. He saith not, 'And to his seeds,' as of many: but as of one, 'And to thy seed,' which is Christ." Whether the Old Law was from God? On the other hand, Jesus and the apostles repeatedly verified the canon of the Old Testament. In the same sense when it is said that "the law entered in that sin might abound," the conjunction "that" must be taken as consecutive and not final: in so far as men, taking occasion from the law, sinned all the more, both because a sin became more grievous after law had forbidden it, and because concupiscence increased, since we desire a thing the more from its being forbidden. The Lord refers there to the ceremonial precepts; which are said not to be good, because they did not confer grace unto the remission of sins, although by fulfilling these precepts man confessed himself a sinner. Consequently it is evident that it was a good law. 2. Reply to Objection 3. ): "Without the law sin was dead. Again we may say that this vision "face to face" means some kind of sublime and familiar contemplation, inferior to the vision of the Divine Essence. . It would seem that the Old Law was not suitably given at the time of Moses. Reply to Objection 2. Now that which decays and waxes old is ready to vanish away. Much every way. the prohibition and punishment of sin, does not suffice for the perfection of the Divine law: but it is requisite that it should make man altogether fit to partake of everlasting happiness. This text is often used to attempt to prove that the ten commandments are still in force today. Sanct. It seems that the Old Law was not given through the angels, but immediately by God. This Law of Moses authenticates many truths which can also be known by reason. Behold I have given thee to be the light of the Gentiles, that thou mayest be My salvation, even to the farthest part of the earth." Although the Old Law did not suffice to save man, yet another help from God besides the Law was available for man, viz. Further, the Gentiles were admitted to the Jewish ritual and to the observances of the Law: for it is written (Exodus 12:48): "If any stranger be willing to dwell among you, and to keep the Phase of the Lord, all his males shall first be circumcised, and then shall he celebrate it according to the manner; and he shall be as he that is born in the land." Reply to Objection 2. For the Old Law disposed men for the salvation which was to come through Christ, as stated above (Article 2,Article 3). Ecclesiastes 7:13-14 states that God has allowed both good days and bad days to come so that man will not be able to find out what will happen after him. But a law is not said to be good except on account of the goodness of the precepts that it contains. Because whoever is subject to the king, must needs be subject to his law. Consequently it was fitting that the perfect law of the New Testament should be given by the incarnate God immediately; but that the Old Law should be given to men by the ministers of God, i.e. But Moses received it from God immediately: for it is written (Exodus 33:11): "The Lord spoke to Moses face to face, as a man is wont to speak to his friend." Further, the purpose for keeping the Sabbath was so that Israel would remember that they were slaves in the land of Egypt (Deuteronomy 5:15). Further, according to Acts 10:34-35, "God is not a respecter of persons: but in every nation, he that feareth Him, and worketh justice, is acceptable to Him." Hence he did not see the very Essence of God; and consequently he was not taught by Him immediately. Complete removal of all old paint, glue and other contaminants to provide the most adhesive painting surface possible Small dents, small cracks, bends and small holes are repaired. The Old Law. Now whatever laws are enacted for the special sanctification of certain ones, are binding on them alone: thus clerics who are set aside for the service of God are bound to certain obligations to which the laity are not bound; likewise religious are bound by their profession to certain works of perfection, to which people living in the world are not bound. Paul proves his point by referring to the fading brilliance of Moses’ face after he had gone in before the Lord. The Gentiles obtained salvation more perfectly and more securely under the observances of the Law than under the mere natural law: and for this reason they were admitted to them. What is the covenant God made with Israel when they came out of Egypt? Deuteronomy 4:1; 7-13; 44-45; 5:1-6 3. But the Old Law was set aside when there came the perfection of grace; not as though it were evil, but as being weak and useless for this time; because, as the Apostle goes on to say, "the law brought nothing to perfection": hence he says (Galatians 3:25): "After the faith is come, we are no longer under a pedagogue." In that he said, A new covenant, he has made the first old. . Objection 1. That Jesus kept the Sabbath would not mean that we should keep the Sabbath since we are under a different covenant than Jesus was. On the contrary, Our Lord said (Matthew 15:6) while speaking to the Jews, to whom the Law was given: "You have made void the commandment of God for your tradition." He cannot enter the covenant as a baby or enter ignorantly and then later learn about the Lord. Wherefore the Apostle says (Galatians 3:23): "Before the faith came, we were kept under the law shut up [conclusi], unto that faith which was to be revealed." I answer that, The Old Law showed forth the precepts of the natural law, and added certain precepts of its own. Hence it is written (Deuteronomy 4:8): "What other nation is there so renowned that hath ceremonies and just judgments, and all the law?" Further, a wise lawgiver should remove, not only evil, but also the occasions of evil. And Stephen said (Acts 7:53): "(Who) have received the Law by the disposition of angels.". It is thus that the Apostle at the beginning of his epistle to the Hebrews (1:2) proves the excellence of the New Law over the Old; because in the New Testament "God . Says ( Romans 3:1-2 ): for there is a perfect life, Jesus and Testament... Impulse is the case children if God had not intervened and taken their lives meant that he wills runs... Own authority, but imperfect, according to the ten commandments ” ( CCC )... Christ according to the flesh. the distinctive elements which give genuine Scripture their the old law character such... 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