The focus of our inquiries was on the maintenance of communications systems and of operational capability. formal analysis techniques to attack the Year 2000 (“Y2K”) problem have demonstrated that large productivity gains and cost reductions can be obtained when software maintenance is assisted by program comprehension. In an effort to encourage companies to share critical information about Y2K, U.S. Pres. (Y2K was the need to fix software that handled years as two-digit numbers when the calendar switched from 1999 [99] to 2000 [00]. Before the updated system can be compiled and tested, all affected places must have been identified and modified properly. Contrast this with, for example, the electricity or telecommunications industries, where no amount of public worry had any bearing on the probability of actual problems occurring – one can hoard cash or liquid assets, but not, say, electricity. Reality changes. Many devices perform date-related maintenance self-checks; if the self-checking calculation indicates that the device has not been maintained properly, the device might not work. Anti-Virus Software: Do not usually have to update software, but must send virus definitions. Alternative Titles: Year 2000 bug, millennium bug Y2K bug, also called Year 2000 bug or Millennium Bug, a problem in the coding of computerized systems that was projected to create havoc in computers and computer networks around the world at the beginning of the year 2000 (in metric measurements, k stands for 1,000). Y2K bug, also called Year 2000 bug or Millennium Bug, a problem in the coding of computerized systems that was projected to create havoc in computers and computer networks around the world at the beginning of the year 2000 (in metric measurements, k stands for 1,000). The term is used to distinguish regular or precautionary maintenance from fixing things that are broken. You might be consulted directly, you might be chosen to head a conversion project, or you might sit on a committee that is dealing, company-wide, with Y2K issues. It was uncertain how this would affect the tightly integrated world economy and physical infrastructure. Many feared that when the clocks struck midnight on January 1, 2000, many affected computers would be using an incorrect date and thus fail to operate properly unless the computers’ software was repaired or replaced before that date. Still, we got off lighter than most. Pricewaterhouse Coopers (PwC) estimates the total cost of Australian Y2K remediation to be approximately $A10 billion. Y2K is a numeronym and was the common abbreviation for the year 2000 software problem. example of a date-related problem is the potential misreading of "00" as the year 1900 rather than 2000. This commentary from PROCASE Corporation was created more than a decade before Y2K. The Y2K problem was not limited to computers running conventional software, however. Commercial Software in General: customers need to be informed of updates. Not having the correct date would throw off these calculations and possibly put nearby residents at risk. Examples of useful Y2K community news articles: ... is dedicated to the creation and maintenance of self-sufficient, sustainable communities, in which people live in harmony with each other and nature. While every effort has been made to follow citation style rules, there may be some discrepancies. You might be consulted directly, you might be chosen to head a conversion project, or you might sit on a committee that is dealing, company-wide, with Y2K issues. Parts of the software may have to be modified to correct errors that are found in operation, improve its performance or other non-functional characteristics. Although some industries were well on the way to solving the Y2K problem, most experts feared that the federal government and state and local governments were lagging behind. Size of the problem Worldwide, the estimated cost of Y2K rectification is believed to have been in excess of $US300 billion and possibly reaching $US600 billion. Please refer to the appropriate style manual or other sources if you have any questions. Year 2000 problems are forcing many companies to upgrade the software that they use in-house. Once software is put into use, new requirements emerge and existing requirements changes as the business running that software changes. It was feared that such a misreading would lead to software and hardware failures in computers used in such important areas as banking, utilities systems, government records, and so on, with the potential for widespread chaos on and following January 1, 2000. Wilderness survival bootcamps abruptly grew popular approaching the expected disaster. Ambulance services and local authorities were surveyed . The year 2000 (Y2K) problem scared the world. In the late 1990s, we had lots of computer systems and programs running that never expected to still be around in the year 2000. For example, the expiration date for a typical insurance policy or credit card is stored in a computer file in MM/DD/YY format (e.g. We have more than 8 years of experience enhancing application stability, lowering support costs and steering companies like yours towards continuous service and quality improvements. Updates have to be easily available - web is good tool. Again, businesses need to pay close attention to this. Some programs took that to mean that time had moved backwards.). Internal risk has been further subdivided into project risk associated with the Y2K remediation project and non-Y2K project risk. Omissions? In addition, some computer software did not take into account that the year 2000 was a leap year. Until recently, computer programmers have been in the habit of using two digit placeholders for the year portion of the date in their software. The largest client using the techniques of Legasys Corporation, for example… The Y2K technology problem, also called the “millennium bug,” is something we have inherited from the early days of computers. includes all spare parts, documentation, maintenance agreements, instructions and training materials required to support, maintain and use the assets. Although some were ready to "party like it's 1999," others predicted catastrophe at the end of the year because of a programming assumption from the early days of computers.Y2K entered the cultural conversation over concerns that technology and automated systems would fail when their clocks had to convert the date from Dec. 31, 1999 to Jan. 1, … The Y2K bug did actually cause many problems in the United States and around the world. And even before the dawn of 2000, it was feared that some computers might fail on September 9, 1999 (9/9/99), because early programmers often used a series of 9s to indicate the end of a program. In the United States, business and government technology teams worked feverishly with a goal of checking systems and fixing software before the end of December 1999. Y2k-problem meaning The predicted malfunction of some computer systems prior to or at the beginning of the year 2000 because of their inability to distinguish between dates in … Year 2000 problems are forcing many companies to upgrade the software that they use in-house. Also in the ’90s the Y2K virus (a computer software problem that makes computers interpret the year 2000 as 1900) triggered a new wave of apocalyptic thinking among premillennial preachers such as Chuck Missler, Jack Van Impe, and Jerry Falwell and became the great ecumenical apocalyptic prophecy of the age.…. 3.59 he New Zealand Police operate the CARD communications system jointly with the New Zealand Fire Service. The most common problems which arose immediately in the United States were very inconsequential for all but a small portion of the population. Even with no code changes, the systems change, and eventually you can't compile the software. Maintenance Review/ Acceptance: Review and acceptance of the implementation. Software and hardware companies released programs that expanded the date to a four digit number. Adaptive Maintenance Adaptive maintenance results from regulatory and other environmental changes. After more than a year of international alarm, feverish preparations, and programming corrections, few major failures occurred in the transition from December 31, 1999, to January 1, 2000. … In reality, the software maintenance has just begun. Y2K: Y2K problem is an interesting example of the role of maintenance in software. An example of adaptive maintenance is modifications to accommodate changes in tax law. Many other countries, notably Asian countries suffering at that time from an ongoing economic crisis as well as small or geographically isolated countries, were thought to be less well prepared. Modification Implementation: Enhancements, new Developments, bug fixing, etc. Software is always evolving and it is never finished as long as it is used; partly to accommodate for the ever changing world we live in. It … In western Europe the European Commission issued a report warning that efforts to solve Y2K in many European Union member countries were insufficient, particularly in terms of the cross-border cooperation needed to be ready by 2000. By signing up for this email, you are agreeing to news, offers, and information from Encyclopaedia Britannica. Software rots. Many of them are asking their technical staff for guidance. problems, even if there were no technical faults at all. The law was designed to encourage American companies to share Y2K data by offering them limited liability protection for sharing information about Y2K products, methods, and best practices. Initially, when you look at the needed changes in many mass maintenance projects, they seem very regular. The following are illustrative examples of preventive maintenance. These problems can result in the inability of computer systems to function properly by providing erroneous data or failing to operate at all. The evolution of your software might be motivated by a variety of reasons; to keep the software up and running, upgrade to the latest release, enhance features or to rework the system for future maintainability. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). The U.S. alone spent over $100 billion. The Y2K problem was the first major international crisis to occur after the Internet was widely deployed. Preventive maintenance is a procedure designed to prevent failures and prolong the life of infrastructure, facilities, machines, software and other entities such as documents. The article discusses some of the reasons why the Internet helped reduce the damages from what could have been a serious disaster. Analysis: Root cause analysis and modification analysis. Updates? Note also that there are plenty of components other than your personal computer which might have Y2K-related problems. It is impossible to produce system of any size which do not need to be changed. No matter the motivation, software maintena… Programmers have done this for a variety of reasons, including: Hack into this quiz and let some technology tally your score and reveal the contents to you. Y2K: Y2K problem is an interesting example of the role of maintenance in software. In mid-December 1998 the UN convened its first international conference on Y2K in an attempt to share information and crisis-management efforts and established the International Y2K Cooperation Center, based in Washington, D.C. An estimated $300 billion was spent (almost half in the United States) to upgrade computers and application programs to be Y2K-compliant. Back then, computer memory was scarce and expensive, so programmers used a 2-digit entry to designate each year instead of a 4-digit entry. The cause of the Y2K problem is pretty simple. Please, note that I did not make up these names. Corrections? In following years, some analysts pointed out that programming upgrades that had been part of the Y2K-compliance campaign had improved computer systems and that the benefits of these improvements would continue to be seen for some time to come. was engaged in various maintenance and enhancement activities during 1999 and 2000. This is precisely why the Y2K problem is In fact the aforesaid problem (known as Y2000 or Y2K problem) is not confined to software alone. Other computer programs that projected budgets or debts into the future could begin malfunctioning in 1999 when they made projections into 2000. Y2K problem (Year 2000 problem) The inability of older hardware and software to recognize the date after the year 2000. Ring in the new year with a Britannica Membership, This article was most recently revised and updated by, Therefore, after the turn of the century, was this date 1903 or 2003? For example, 1999 was entered as 99. The Year 2000 (Y2K) problem [Smith 97], in most cases, is an example of pervasive localized software maintenance. Software is a model of reality. They represented dates as two-digit years, to The reason they could not was because the year was stored with only two digits in many databases; for example, 12-11-03 instead of 12-11-1903. It was also named the "Millennium Bug" because it was associated with the popular (rather than literal) roll-over of the millennium, even though most of the problems could have occurred at the end of any ordinary century. (Rated highest for preparedness was the software industry.). Mainframe computers, including those typically used to run insurance companies and banks, were thought to be subject to the most serious Y2K problems, but even newer systems that used networks of desktop computers were considered vulnerable. Hardware devices which have internal electronic logic to handle dates may encounter the same problem. Many devices containing computer chips, ranging from elevators to temperature-control systems in commercial buildings to medical equipment, were believed to be at risk, which necessitated the checking of these “embedded systems” for sensitivity to calendar dates. - 08/31/99). The Y2K problem was, for a number of organizations, precisely such a cart, and it was successfully avoided to the extent nothing seriously bad happened as a result of the bug (really, an engineering trade-off which lived too long in the wild) so we can either count it as a victory of foresight and disaster aversion, or we can say it was all a hoax and there was never anything to it. These were followed by accusations that the likely incidence of failure had been greatly exaggerated from the beginning. (Y2K was the need to fix software that handled years as two-digit numbers when the calendar switched from 1999 to 2000. Some programs took that to mean that time had moved backwards.) Program maintenance is always a problem in this industry. Many of them are asking their technical staff for guidance. 806 Walter Khon St., Cristo Rey, La Paz, Bolivia (Bolivian Office), 174 Nassau St. #403, Princeton, NJ 08532 (US Office). Until the 1990s many computer programs (especially those written in the early days of computers) were designed to abbreviate four-digit years as two digits in order to save memory space. Some examples of software maintenance are: The process of modifying a software system or component after delivery to correct faults, improve performance or other attributes, or adapt to a changed environment is: Other maintenance process models include: We are an independent software development company, a professional team highly experienced in IT. For example it may be necessary to add one or more digits to Although the Euro and the Y2K problem are behind us, they are not the only mass-update problems that we will face. The purpose of adaptive maintenance is to adapt to some change in business conditions as opposed to providing new functionality. The life of your software does not end when it finally launches. But first, let’s understand the problem. The abbreviation combines the letter Y for "year", the number 2 and a capitalized version of k for the SI unit prefix kilo meaning 1000; hence, 2K signifies 2000. These problems weren't as widespread as many people expected them to be, but there were enough of them to make us realize that the Y2K bug was a real problem. In summary we have the following reasons to do a software maintenance: We explain these reasons or types of software maintenance in the next section. The British government announced that its armed forces would be prepared in time and would provide assistance to local police if utilities, transportation systems, or emergency services failed. Our editors will review what you’ve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. To subscribe to the list's individual messages, send the message: message: subscribe ecobalance to: Bill Clinton in October 1998 signed the Year 2000 Information and Readiness Disclosure Act. It will simply be more evident then. If I did, I would have chosen something different. The total global cost of preparing for Y2K was estimated to be between $300 to $600 billion by Gartner, and $825 billion by Capgemini. What Is the Y2K Problem? Encyclopaedia Britannica's editors oversee subject areas in which they have extensive knowledge, whether from years of experience gained by working on that content or via study for an advanced degree.... Computers host websites composed of HTML and send text messages as simple as...LOL. Often, As the first day of January 2000 dawned and it became apparent that computerized systems were intact, reports of relief filled the news media. For example, the expansion of a data structure can affect a software system in numerous places. As part of the failures after the year change, 15 nuclear reactors shut down around the world. The so-called ``year-2000” problem is in no fashion new, nor is it limited to that year. Power plants depend on routine computer maintenance for safety checks, such as water pressure or radiation levels. The third, and by far the gravest lie about Y2K matters, is that your company can, through the acquisition of affidavits of compliance, protect itself against harm, whether real or litigated. A Y2K preparedness survey commissioned in late 1998 by Cap Gemini America, a New York computer industry consulting firm, showed that among 13 economic sectors studied in the United States, government was the least ready for Y2K. It happened because of the way in which some early computer programs were made to handle only years containing two digits (for example '92 instead of 1992). Get a Britannica Premium subscription and gain access to exclusive content. Before deployment of the Internet, risk management practices were slow, inefficient, and library-dependent. The Year 2000 problem (also known as the Y2K problem, the millennium bug, Y2K Bug, and Y2K) was a computer problem that affected lots of computer systems. These computers could recognize “98” as “1998” but would be unable to recognize “00” as “2000,” perhaps interpreting it to mean 1900. You might see this as a totally pedantic unnecessary note, but trying to answer your question from a scientific point of view, I must first say that the Y2K problem is just one very famous example from a class of problems regarding legacy systems degrading over time and becoming less useful or even useless in modern environment. Apart from computer hardware, examples include also laboratory equipment, video-cassette recorders, fax machines, security systems, etc. For example, I find the term “perfective” to be cringy, but I am going to stick with it for compatibility with the standard industry jargon.A maintenance action is always a software change, but its classification depends on the reasons that triggered it. Centers of technology, such as power plant s, were also threatened by the Y2K bug. same time. They maintained that the continued viability of computerized systems was proof that the collective effort had succeeded. This is because dates are most often handled idiosyncratically throughout the system rather than by one single routine that is called in many places. NBC created a made-for-television movie speculating about a possible catastrophe because of the bug. OS is core to use of computer, so it must be constantly maintained. Dony A very common quick fix for the Y2K problem is rippling into 2020 as the adjusted dates run out, affecting video games, parking meters, and more. Maintenance of software systems comes in four different flavors: adaptive, corrective, perfective and preventive. Those who had worked in Y2K-compliance efforts insisted that the threat had been real. Applications, such as Microsoft Word and Excel and Netscape Navigator, must also be Y2K-compliant. Operating System Patching: Microsoft, Apple, Linux/Unix. Be on the lookout for your Britannica newsletter to get trusted stories delivered right to your inbox. After delivery, software systems always evolve in response to demand for change. cial Y2K massive maintenance project, comparing random scheduling, hill climbing, simulating annealing and genetic algorithms, applied to two di erent problem encodings. It’s also been calculated that thousands of man-years were devoted to addressing the Y2K bug. 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